From @Backline of SC
Good Morning Sammy!
I have a few questions,
1. What is the best database to download?
The free version or one of the paid versions?
2. Is it better to use Google Drive or can we use Dropbox to upload the files to the database?
3. If I want to use the database for my solo project and for Backline's singles, can that be done?
Or do I need two different accounts?
4. Is it good to release the singles through distribution first and then add it to the database or can it be done simultaneously?
The free version or one of the paid versions?
MediaMonkey Gold Version allows for you to convert WAVs into MP3s at the 320kbps standard with all the metadata transferred over. It also allows you to add the cover artwork to the MP3 files. Adding the cover is not needed, but, I've tested out what the MP3s look like on a USB drive (if you sell USB drives) plugged into my TV and it's nice seeing the covers. We use the Lifetime Gold (Unlock Gold functionality for all future upgrades.) but it's not needed.
The free version will allow you to add the metadata you need to the WAV files. You can then use audacity to convert the WAVs into MP3s. You will need to add the metadata again to audacity before converting. Buying the paid $59.95USD version will save you time but is not needed.
 Is it better to use Google Drive or can we use Dropbox to upload the files to the database?
Either one will work, we use Google Drive for the Bluegrass Hideaway - Music Database because it's already being used with the Google Form. They both do the same thing and are trusted by radio DJs that download them.
If I want to use the Bluegrass Hideaway - Metadata & Music Database for my solo project and for Backline's singles, can that be done? Yes, we're allowing artists to use our Bluegrass Hideaway - Metadata & Music Database for free this year. You will want to use this LINK to submit your single. After you submit your song the system it will take about one hour to refresh, your song will go to the top of the Bluegrass Hideaway - Metadata & Music Database and you will want to make sure you use the same band name for each single. You don't want two different spellings.
Is it good to release the singles through distribution first and then add it to the database or can it be done simultaneously? That's a great question, most distributors will want a 6 weeks lead time. This lets them pitch all the DSPs for playlisting.
Radio is different in my opinion, I like to start with radio first and I've come to the conclusion that we have three parts now. Radio, DSPs and SiriusXM Bluegrass Junction. They all play different parts as they work together. As of 2024 Radio & DSPs are apart of your promotions arm. SiriusXM Bluegrass Junction that's the revenue source, and should be the goal.
You should plan for the charts, you need Terry Herd and Cindy Bochum love to keep pace on Bluegrass Todays chart. You will need Annette Grady at The Bluegrass Jamboree to make sure its added to the system and she emails the other DJs about new music. Lee Michael Dempsey has been doing the Bluegrass Unlimited chart since I've been in bluegrass. Roots Music Report is not something I look at anymore after seeing the tracking reports.
If charting is the goal, you will need to know the players, all three charts have a list of the reporting DJs. You will want to add labels in google contacts like, BU Reports, BT Reports and TBJ Reporters.
Bluegrass Today: "This chart is compiled weekly from actual airplay data logged and reported by our contributing Bluegrass DJ’s." Each week the contributing Bluegrass DJ’s submit what songs they played. Syndicated radio shows airplay will help you chart.
Bluegrass Unlimited: Each month Lee Michael Dempsey asks for the TOP 10 Songs of the month. Number 1 gets 10 points and number 10 gets 1 point. The chart has always been behind but it's still the Top Chart for some people.
The Bluegrass Jamboree: The 24/7 online radio station has 80K monthly listeners. Every time the song is played either by a DJ or in rotation, the song is counted.
The goal is getting added to playlist, and you need to drive your fans to the DSPs. If you show the DSPs that your music is popular or has an audience, they seem to add you more. Do you spend more time here or radio...that's up to you.
SiriusXM Bluegrass Junction
This is how you make some money, it's not easy as everyone is working Joey Black right now. We can get into this more later.
I believe it's important to understand all the moving parts, then make the decision that's best for you.
If you want to chart close to release date then you better release it to radio before. You want to ask radio to add your song this week, it's something they understand and it works.
Please keep asking questions @Backline of SC!